Monastic Equipment and Carpentry

We offer a variety of services including the construction and maintenance of religious centers, chapels and churches. In addition, we specialize in the manufacture of furniture in general and the creation of wall and ceiling coverings according to the specific design of our clients. We also handle the creation of doors and porches, as well as restorations to preserve the charm and integrity of historic and religious buildings.


5 April, 2024




Arquitectura interior, Carpintería a medida, Carpintería baño, Carpintería oficinas, Carpintería teatros, Carpintería vestidores, casas de madera, Celosías madera, Construcción madera, Decking WPC, Diseño en madera, Falsos techo madera, Grapas, Instalación tarimasTarima madera interior personalizada, Madera ecológica certificada, madera roble, Madera tropical, mateca, Mobiliario a medida, Mobiliario urbano, mueble a medida comedor, mueble a medida salon, mueble a medida vestidor, muebles a medida, muebles a medida comedor, muebles a medida salon, muebles a medida vestidor, muebles personalizados de madera, Pavimentos madera, Pérgolas jardines, Rehabilitación carpintería, Tarima composite, Tarima exterior, Tarima flotante, Tarima laminada, Tarima madera, Tarima tecnológica, tecnológica exterior, Terrazas WPC